questions? we have answers!

  • Can I submit a 1-minute short animation?
    Yes, as long as it has a story and relates to the theme.
  • Can I submit a 30-second short animation?
    Yes, as long as it has a story and relates to the theme.
  • Can I submit a 5-second short animation?
    Yes, as long as it has a story and relates to the theme.
  • Can I submit a work I did previously that happens to fit the theme?
    Hm… yes, but that’s no big fun is it….
  • Does the film have to include bugs? What qualifies for the theme?
    BUG is the overall theme! You can use it visually, conceptually, or as part of the narrative. For example, it can be BUGS crawling all over the film, a kid BUGging someone, or a phone that’s BUGged!
  • Can I do a group submission?
  • What is the Tiny Man?
    Tiny Man is a festival, challenge, and celebration of animated stories. It’s an opportunity to practice and showcase your animation and storytelling skills—and an excuse to wear a bow tie and gather around for a night of cartoons.
  • What is a “story” anyway?
    Whatever you think the definition of a story is.
  • Is there any other requirements for the submission?
    The film should have a title card.
  • Are there any awards?
  • Can i meet the Tiny Man?
    Yes, if you’re worthy.

Any other questions?
Please send them to


or DM us at @tititinyman on Instagram.